As the ball began to drop representing the start of 2018, I sat with my New Year's crown on my head and champagne in my glass ready to cheers my friends and family as the countdown reached zero. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Fireworks could be heard... or was that the sound of resolutions already being broken?
Looking back on 2017, I had an amazing year of change and celebration, but I cannot even recall if I made any resolutions (and if I did, I clearly did not follow through). This made me think, "why make a resolution for 2018?" Long story short, I didn't make a resolution this year for many reasons. I just do not understand the point and frankly never have. I personally know that I won't keep a resolution if it is just a goal I am telling myself I want to complete. After a week, I would have already forgotten what I "wanted" and if I am honest I am terrible at commitment when it comes to anything outside of my main focuses (school, career, wellbeing). If I want something bad enough, I will work to make it happen.
To start a goal just because it is the start of a new year is ridiculous. A goal can be made and kept at any point of the year. You can become organized, work out more and eat differently in any of the twelve months.
There has been a lot of personal success without making a resolution these past couple of years. I have graduated high school, received scholarships, enrolled in my dream school and had a successful first semester even getting on the Dean's list. I did all of this without a resolution. Setting a goal and being focused is all it took. I know what I want and I don't need a resolution starting the first day of the year to keep it. While you can say this is a classic "Hannah Rant" against another social construct (which it 100% is), I honestly do not see the point in making a resolution that won't be kept or is a goal that can be started at any point of the year. Why push off a goal until the new year when it could have started earlier?
Hit the gym, eat healthy, study hard and let 2018 be a great year. Don't let a resolution define what the year can and can't hold. If you didn't start on January 1, 2018 that does not mean it can't start on January 2, 2018 or any day of the year.
Happy New Year! Check out my slideshow from 2017! |
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